The only way a participant would be allowed to change their election is if they had a change of status, which corresponds with a change in election.
The following is basic information to help you understand status changes for participants. This information is a basic overview of a very complicated subject. If after your review of this information, you would like to speak to someone personally, please feel free to give us a call at:
(616) 456-7908 or 1-800 968-FLEX (3539)
Another option is to visit CHANGEOFSTATUS.COM. This is a more in-depth web site, which may be able to help you.
Toll Free: 1-800-968-3539
Local: (616) 456-7908
Fax: (616) 454-6090
3980 Chicago Drive, Suite 230 Grandville, MI 49418
Mon – Fri : 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Our office is fully remote on Friday, so please make a visit between Monday and Thursday.